Thursday, August 8, 2024

Basilicas in Italy—Calabria 1

I blogged about the following basilica on November 13, 2019.

  • The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven in Reggio di Calabria.

Basilica of St. Francis of Paola, Paola, Cosenza

Declared a minor basilica by Pope Benedict XV in 1921.

The Basilica is built in honor of St. Francis of Paola who was born in Paola in 1416 and died in 1507.  The older Renaissance church was built in the 16th Century and has a Baroque chapel which contains relics of St. Francis.  A new modern church was completed in 2000 adjacent to the older church.

All pictures are from Wikipedia.

Basilica of the Most Holy Immaculate Mary, Catanzaro, Catanzaro

Declared a minor basilica by Pope Pius XII in 1954.

The Neo-classical church was built in 1254. 

Pictures are from a local source, TripAdvisor, and Wikipedia.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Poor, Seminara, Reggio di Calabria

Declared a minor basilica by Pope Pius XII in 1955.

The parish dates at least to the 16th Century.  The church was destroyed by an earthquake in 1783 and again in 1908.  The current Neo-Romanesque church was built between 1922 and 1933.

The first picture is from a local source and the others are from Wikipedia.

Basilica of Our Lady of the Chain, Laurignano, Cosenza

Declared a minor basilica by Pope Paul VI in 1966.

The basilica was built to commemorate a possible miracle.  The date of the miracle and the date of the construction of the church is unknown to me.

Pictures are from a local source, Pinterest, and TripAdvisor.

Basilica of Our Lady of Monserrat, Vallelanga, Vibo Valentia

Declared a minor basilica by Pope Paul VI in 1971.

The church was built between 1930 and 1935 to replace an earlier church destroyed by an earthquake and a fire.

The first two pictures are from local sources, the third is from TripAdvisor, and the fourth from Wikipedia.

Basilica of the Mother of Consolation, Reggio di Calabria, Reggio di Calabria

Declared a minor basilica by Pope Paul VI in 1971.

The current modern church was completed in 1965 to replace a 16th Century church that was associated with a Benedictine monastery.  The Basilica’s altarpiece dates to 1547.

The top picture is from the basilica website and the bottom picture is from a local source.

Basilica of Our Lady, San Sosti, Cosenza

Declared a minor basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1979.

A man, unjustly accused of murder, sought refuge in a river gorge and carved a Madonna in a rock.  This was in the 1400s.  Two hundred years later a shepherd discovered the carving and soon a church was built there.  The current church was built between 1824 and 1840.

All pictures are from local sources.

Basilica of St. Angelo of Acri, Acri, Cosenza

Declared a minor basilica by Pope John Paul II in 1980.

The church was built between 1893 and 1898 and is located 2400 feet above sea level.  The church is administered by the Franciscans and is dedicated to St. Angelo of Acri.  Angelo Falcone (1669-1739) was a Capuchin priest noted for being a great preacher.

The first picture is from a local source and the second is from Wikipedia.

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